Zamioculcas Zamiifolia / ZZ Plant


Zamia Furfurea is evergreen succulent plant consists of heads of big fleshy stems, upright, along with scaly, leathery, shiny and waxy-looking leaves.

Plant Type: Annual plant

Plant Height: 1.5 Feet (+/- 20%)

Image Specification: The plant is potted in 6 inch pot.


It is widely used as a house plant because it bears all the conditions of cultivation.
It does have pinnate leaves like a palm tree, but they are rounded and it has a thick tuberous stem.
It satisfies the demand for interior plant escapers who always look for new plants they can use indoors to provide a different look.
The evergreen leaflets grow in opposing pairs of up to 12 per stem.
It is a low growing plant. The trunk stores moisture in times of drought, which makes Zamia ideal for periscope gardens.

It makes an excellent container or house plant anywhere. In temperate regions, it is commonly grown as a house plant and, in subtropical areas, as a container or bedding plant outdoors.

Common Name ZZ Plant, Aroid Palm
Flower Colour Bright yellow to brown or bronze spadix
Bloom Time Mid Summer to early Autumn
Height Specification 3 to 4 feet
Growing Care Easy

Care for Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

  • Cardboard palm requires enough moisture to keep the trunk fat and healthy. Never let it dry to the point that the trunk and stem are wrinkled or dry.
  • Prune off dead leaves as they occur.
  • Even though the plant does well in lower light levels, by placing it in brighter light it performs even better.
  • Keep the plant away from any hot direct afternoon sun as the plant can burn. A good bright filtered afternoon sun would work well.

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