Lemon Grass Plant


Lemon Grass is a fragrant herb that is increasingly being used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines, and Eastern-inspired soups, and other dishes

This grass grows in dense clumps that can grow to 6 ft in height and about 4 ft in width, although it has commonly seen much smaller

Plant Type: Annual plant

Plant Height: 1 Feet (+/- 20%)

Image Specification: The plant is potted in 6 inches pot.


Lemon Grass is a fragrant herb that is increasingly being used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines.

Cymbopogon, better known as lemongrass is a genus of Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island plants in the grass family. Some species are commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs because of their scent, resembling that of lemons.

This grass grows in dense clumps that can grow to 6 ft in height and about 4 ft in width, although it commonly has seen much smaller. Leaves are strap-like, 1.3 to 2.5 cm wide, to 3 ft long, and have gracefully drooping tips.

The stalk is used for cooking, and the leaves are used for teas. Lemongrass tea can be calming and soothing to stomachs. A popular tea blend is Sleepy Time Tea, which is a mixture of lemongrass, lavender, and German chamomile flowers.
Common Name Lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, citronella grass, gavati chaha, oil grass
Flower Colour Yellow
Bloom Time Rarely Flower
Height Specification 2 to 4 feet
Growing Care Easy to grow

Care for Lemongrass Plant

  • Lemongrass plant is native to hot and humid areas in Southeast Asia. With proper care, lemongrass can be grown in almost any sunny garden.
  • Lemongrass plant needs regular watering. Water only when the soil feels dry to touch.
  • Loosen the soil without damaging the roots. It will help the plant to uptake nutrients and moisture easily.
  • You can harvest your lemongrass anytime during the growing season. Choose stalks that are at least half an inch thick and cut them at ground level with a sharp, clean knife.
  • Feed the plant every couple of months in the growing season.  Add nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer. Manure or compost is recommended.

Disclaimer: The image is for reference purposes only. The actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc.

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