Begonia (Red) Plant


Begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae. Some species are commonly grown indoors as ornamental houseplants in cooler climates.

Type: Seasonal plant

Plant Height: 0.5 Feet (+/- 20%)

Image Specification: The plant is potted in 4 inch pot.


Begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae. The Begonias are native to moist subtropical and tropical climates.

Begonias are among the most popular of cultivated plants, indoors or outdoors. These lovely plants are grown for both their leaf forms and their blooms, depending on the type of begonia. In some areas of the world, the wax begonia is easily the most popular bedding plant, while serious plant collectors still go to great lengths to hunt down beautiful foliage begonias.

Common Name  Begonia
Flower Colour Red
Bloom Time Year-Round
Height Specification Up to 1.0 feet
Growing Care Medium

Care for Begonia

1. Begonias are not the easiest plants. They can be very demanding of just the right amount of water, food, and humidity.

2. Plants will vary and the only way to know what your plant wants is to watch it, once it has adjusted to its new surroundings. If it s flourishing, continue with what you were doing. If it is droopy or gangly, adjust the light and water.

3. Repot Begonias each spring. It will ensure that they have plenty of soil to grow in, but they like to be a little bit pot bound. Large plants can be pruned into shape.

4. Rotating potted Begonias will keep the plants full and stocky.

Disclaimer: The image is for reference purposes only. The actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc.

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