Aralia Miniature White Plant


The name Polyscias (Aralia) means many-shaded, in reference to the foliage found on these plants. It is a columnar shrub.

Plant Type: Annual plant

Plant Height: 1 Feet (+/- 20%)

Image Specification: The plant is potted in 6 inch pot.


Most interiorscapers experienced with these plants would agree that many of the cultivars and species are truly superior interiorscape plants with phenomenal staying power on the job. Even when used in those hot, dark places referred to in the article. Over the years, aralias have fallen in and out of favor with growers and plant buyers alike.

Leaves mostly pinnate, leaflets opposite, blades variable, but commonly broadly ovate or elliptic and coarsely dentate or lacerate, commonly variegated with white or pale yellow margins, or sometimes all dark green. Inflorescence a compound panicle.

Common Name Aralia Miniature White (Small), spinach leaf, Polyscias Guilfoyle variegated, Geranium aralia
Flower Colour Whitish or greenish
Bloom Time Ornamental Varieties hardly bloom
Height Specification 8 feet to 10 feet
Growing Care Easy

Care for Aralia

  • Adequate watering is of course, essential, but over-watering is above all the greatest cause of the demise of virtually all Aralias.
  • It is generally thought that plants will thrive when kept on the dry side.
  • False aralia does not like to be moved. A sudden change in location causes the leaves to drop off.
  • Trimming the tips of an Aralia Plant helps promote new growth.
  • Handpick as many of the mealybugs from the plant as possible.
  • Treat the areas near the base of the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol every five days, especially where you see the cottony masses of insects.
  • Insecticidal soap is helpful when mealybugs are in the crawling stage before they attach to the foliage and assume their cottony appearance.
  • Fertilize every two weeks with liquid houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer and monthly in fall and winter

Disclaimer: The image is for reference purposes only. The actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc.

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